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Writer's pictureJane Craven


These past few days have been very emotional, and today was quite traumatic but it has ended well with one of our children rescued from a difficult situation and placed in safety.  We thank God for his provision and continue to pray that he will work in the lives of those involved.

A few days ago our BLI worker, Ian, went to check on Clinton at the local government primary school. Clinton was identified as vulnerable and had practically stopped attending school to try and earn money on the streets to survive. We had decided to pay his school fees so that he could return to school and aim for a better future. The streets are no place for a young boy.  He was also supported by another local young man who paid for his school resources.

However, when Ian arrived at school he was informed that Clinton was not there and that his attendance had been very poor the past two weeks. Some of Clinton’s friends said that Clinton had gone to the streets to look for ‘scrap’ to sell to earn a little money.

Children search rubbish tips for scrap metal and plastic and then sell it for 500 shillings per kilo (that’s about 10p) to people who recycle it. With this money they can buy a plate of other people’s leftovers from a restaurant to stave off hunger.

Clinton’s father does not work as he is elderly and infirm. His mother is a peasant farmer, growing food to try and sustain the family. However, she is unable to make sure Clinton is cared for adequately, instead, spending money on alcohol.  I can’t image what she is suffering, being unable to care for her family and I don’t judge her, she will probably not have had much choice in the situation.

Ian had been searching for Clinton for two days but did not find him at home or at school so he decided to visit the family home early this morning to see if he was there. When he arrived Clinton was there, as was his older step-brother and the police. The police had been called as the step-brother had been beating Clinton’s mother with a stick. He wanted her to sell her land so he could have the money to sustain his drug habit and when she refused he beat her. 😭💔

Ian took Clinton away from the situation and bought him something to eat and drink as he was hungry. He was able to get Clinton to open up about how he was feeling and when Ian and I discussed what to do we really felt that he should not be left in that unsafe situation and that we needed to take Clinton to board in the same school as the other children we are supporting. We do not yet have a sponsor for Clinton which was why he was still in the government school but we felt that we couldn’t leave him at home any longer.  We decided that boarding would be the best option and discussed it with Clinton. He was very happy to hear it might be possible for him!

After Clinton had eaten and talked with Ian, Ian took him back home to talk with his parents who were very happy for Clinton to be taken to board.  Ian then helped bathe Clinton, got him dressed in his old, worn school uniform and took him off to buy all the resources he needed for school. He used money I had been saving for the other children’s school fees but here was an immediate need which we had to cover. We have no money for his fees and I will need to replace the money for the other children but I know that we could not have left him at home where he would have been at risk of harm and suffering neglect and hunger.

There are potential sponsors in the pipeline for Clinton and we pray that will come to fruition soon, but for now I am thankful that we found Clinton at the very moment he needed us most and were able to act on his behalf.

Please pray for Clinton, he is a quiet, shy boy and was quite overwhelmed by the many children wanting to befriend him when he arrived at school. Please pray that he soon settles and begins to believe that he has a hope and a future. We have a back up plan in case he doesn’t settle but we are praying that he will soon feel right at home with the other children.

Please do also pray for Clinton’s parents and his step-brother that God will intervene and bring healing and wholeness both physically and emotionally.



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