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Child Sponsorship

Clinton's Story:

Even though we had been paying the little money required to send Clinton to the local government primary school he was skipping school to go and search rubbish tips for scrap metal and plastic.  This is what children do to survive if they have no-one able to care for them.  They then sell it for 500 shillings per kilo (that’s about 10p) to people who recycle it. With this money they can buy a plate of other people’s leftovers from a restaurant to stave off hunger.  Clinton’s father does not work as he is elderly and infirm. His mother is a peasant farmer, growing food to try and sustain the family. However, she is unable to make sure Clinton is cared for adequately.  

BLI worker, Ian, had been searching for Clinton for two days as he was not at school or at home.  Ian eventually found him at home early one morning. The police had been called as Clinton's step-brother had been beating Clinton’s mother with a stick. He wanted her to sell her land so he could have the money to sustain his drug habit and when she refused he beat her.  

Clinton is now fully sponsored and attending the boarding section where he is fully cared

for, fed and receives a quality education from caring staff.  His parents are thrilled that he

is safe and now has the opportunity to thrive.  After only one week at school Clinton was a

different person, full of smiles and had made a best friend!

We currently have 5 children still waiting for sponsors.  Could that be you? We pay for two of the older girls to attend school as day pupils from our general funds but they need sponsors to be able to board at school to get the most out of their learning and have a safe place in which to thrive.  Our three youngest girls still have no access to education at present.  We are looking for sponsors to support our work so that all children can attend school and have hope of a brighter future. 



Currently the total cost to send a child to school is £25 per month for day pupils and £45 per month for boarding pupils.  We welcome  individual sponsors or group sponsorship if you have a friend or family member that you would like to sponsor with. 


If you would like to sponsor a child with us please use the contact form to get in touch with us and we can send you further information.  One off donations towards supporting the children are also welcome as they love to attend youth camps and other activities during the holidays. Click here to see the children who are still waiting for sponsors.  

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