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One of our aims for the families of our sponsored children is for them to become self-sustainable and not be dependent on financial support from others.  The parents of the children we support work hand to mouth in extremely challenging situations, selling charcoal, digging in the fields, or as street vendors to provide for their most basic survival needs.  This lifestyle is fraught with many difficulties so we would like to help these parents generate a more stable income. For example, with a small start-up investment, one of our parents could rent a stall in the indoor market hall, rather than selling at the side of the road, this would provide a more regular income and would not be dependent on good weather.  


BLI directors Brian and Mali met with our parents to discuss ways forward and we have drawn up a business proposal plan for Ian to complete with the parents so we can identify what is needed to get them on their feet. 


If you are interested in working with us to develop self-sustainability for our families, please click here to find out how or 

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